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Welcome To The Fletcher Farley Nationwide RapidResponse™ Program

Call Activation Telephone Number: 1-866-786-1058

To dispatch the Fletcher Farley RapidResponse™  Team to the scene of a catastrophic accident, or any other matter requiring immediate legal and forensic investigation in the continental United States, please call 1-866-786-1058. An attorney-member of the RapidResponse™ Team will be in touch momentarily.

Calling the above number activates the Fletcher Farley RapidResponse™ Team, experienced with investigation of catastrophic losses involving construction accidents, crane collapse, transportation accidents, crimes, or catastrophic accidents on business premises.

Our RapidResponse™ Team applies legal proficiency as well as technical professional experts as appropriate to the investigation, including mechanical engineers, biodynamic engineers, structural engineers, and accident reconstructionists. Additionally, a full photographic and videographic recording of the accident/incident scene can be obtained.

To assist our team in its investigation, please have the following information available:

Thank you for using the Fletcher Farley RapidResponse™ service. You may expect a preliminary investigative report to be received within 48 hours of activation of the Fletcher Farley RapidResponse™ Team.

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